Saturday, February 1, 2025

The minority report

And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched …..” Numbers 13:32a

Let’s closely examine one of the main reasons we often remain in our comfort zones: self-sabotage aka autoimmunity of the mind.  Our natural defences stand in the way of our dreams as well as aspirations and the result's a failure to launch. The signs may be subtle (negative self-talk, perfectionism, procrastination, social isolation, being oversensitive) or overt (failing to plan/practise, avoiding responsibility, overworking) but it’s more instructive to examine the reasons why we choose to hide away in our cocoons of routine.  Low self-esteem, fear of vulnerability and the scars of past trauma often necessitate that we create layers that insulate us from criticism and hurt.

The fine line between constructive and destructive criticism might have been crossed in our interactions with others so it makes sense to develop defences that protect our sense of self-worth.  When we then fail to realise our inherent value (and worth), we tend to adopt the value ascribed to us by significant others regardless of their intentions (to build up or tear down) and begin to see ourselves as they see us until we no longer require their help in tearing ourselves down.  “ …and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so were we in their sight”  Numbers 13:33b.

400 years of mental programming can’t be overwritten overnight; not even witnessing the wonders of the plagues or crossing the Red sea by foot could override the low self-esteem inducing effects of a slave mentality in the face of resistance; Little wonder, He resigned Himself to waiting for another generation (who were not slaves) to emerge and take control of the promise (Numbers 14:26-30). Yet in the midst of the pity-party, Caleb provided hope of the emergence of an anti-fragile self-confident nation through a minority report, “ ……because he had another spirit with him” (Numbers 14:24a).

I’m no expert but in these matters, it helps to apply the axe to the root of the issue.  It is our duty to protect our sense of self-worth at all costs. Tackling negative self-talk, recognising one’s strengths and weaknesses, choosing environments that allow us add value through our current abilities while fostering growth, and celebrating little victories are vital rungs on the self-confidence ladder. Actively seek to develop mental resilience; resistance builds strength. And trust the process. Remember David, same chap with the sling and five smooth stones, had lots of practice protecting his father’s flock before facing Goliath? Self-confidence isn’t pride but the belief that we can do things well and are respected for it. Hard to believe a teenage boy was willing to take on who his “warrior” forefathers concluded was undefeatable.

Through our God we will do valiantly, for it is He who shall tread down our enemies” Psalm 60:12

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