Wednesday, December 25, 2024



Thanks for clicking that dubious looking link and getting here. I’ll try as much as possible to avoid the “TLDR” trap with this one.

First, what’s the purpose of this note? Two-fold: appreciation and encouragement. It’s that time again, isn’t it? We begin the week by celebrating His birth and end it with a transition into another time cycle. Somewhere in between, amidst all the fanfare and “dettiness”, we reflect, evaluate, give thanks and chart a path for the new year. Some would call it the most reflective time of the year.

You’re reading this because you’ve (intentionally or unintentionally) played a significant role in my personal journey; and this is my way of saying thanks.  No need to scratch your head, I’ll help you out.

Throughout scripture, we (church aka body of Christ) are described as a vineyard or forest of fruit-bearing trees. That’s His will for us as individuals; to be sturdy enough to withstand harsh environments yet rooted so deep that we still blossom with the fruit of the Spirit wherever we are. I’d say I’ve personally benefited from your fruit as well as your decision to stay rooted in Him; just as tree roots strengthen and compact soil, your rootedness has provided structural support that transcends physical distance.

I’d like to encourage you to stay the course for our journey as trees isn’t over. After all, wasn’t it a few years back we were but tender saplings, growing under the shade of mighty oaks. If you look down, you’ll find a few yungins who’re yet to develop trunk, bark or roots deep enough to withstand life’s gales; they might be spouses, kids or colleagues. Keep providing shade, let you leaves trap moisture that’ll water them and your roots the structural stability our forest needs. And let the sap in your trunk bubble with joy knowing you’re fulfilling His purpose despite the pain or inconvenience for His grace is sufficient for every purpose He has predestined us for.

Ephesians 3:14-21.

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